Lauren Ruth Peachey
7 pounds, 11-1/2 ounces

Delivered to Rebecca Ruth Dymond and Michael Stephen Peachey
at El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA
10:35 AM, March 5, 2000



July 26, 1999
The shape of things to come


March 5 2000
The crib is ready

6:30 AM
Ok, there's a contraction

7:00 AM
Still hanging around the house

10:47 AM
4 hours later - It's a girl!


10:48 AM
Mom gets her bracelet


10:48 AM
And, one for baby Lauren


11:02 AM
The proud parents


11:03 AM
Mom and baby Lauren


11:35 AM
7 lbs., 11.6 ozs


11:41 AM
It's a new mom!


11:44 AM
I made this


3:24 PM
The new team, settled in for a meal